Of all the miseries in life, the worst, as you grow old, is to have done nothing and been nobody. - Matthew Henson
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Robinson does not sell his books, they can be purchased from bookstores and online sellers. He will appear at signings and lectures by invitation.
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Notes from the Field Series
Volume I
Notes from the Field: A Diary of Journeys Near and Far
New Edition
2022 from HighlandHome Publishing. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-0-9996042-9-8, 403 pages, ret. $18.95
Volume II
More Notes from the Field: Southbound on the Appalachian Trail and Other Journeys
2019 from HighlandHome Publishing. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-0-9996042-4-3, 232 pages, ret. $14.99
A note to readers of Volumes II and III of the Notes from the Field Series--I made a small historical error in these two editions, describing the old sign at the Maine-New Hampshire state line as reading "Welcome to New Hampshire, the Live Hike Free or Die State," when in fact it read, “You’re in New Hampshire Now. Happy Trails. Live Hike Free or Die."
Mea culpa. This will be corrected in future editions.
Volume III
Final Notes from the Field: Northbound on the Appalachian Trail
2022 from HighlandHome Publishing. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-0-9996042-8-1, 430 pages, ret. $18.95
The Speaks Saga
Timewall Speaks: A Novel
Book One of The Speaks Saga
New edition 2023 from HighlandHome Publishing. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 979-8-9886815-2-6, 300 pages, ret. $16.99
Blaize Speaks: A Novel
Book Two of The Speaks Saga
2023 from HighlandHome Publishing
Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN
979-8-9886815-0-2, 312 pages, ret.
Ridley Speaks: A Novel
Book Three of The Speaks Saga
2024 from HighlandHome Publishing
Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN
979-8-9886815-1-9, 272 pages, ret.
A Robin Waits: Short Fiction
2021 from HighlandHome Publishing. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-0-9996042-7-4, 166 pages, ret. $12.99
Life in Continuum: Stories
2012 from HighlandHome Publishing. Awarded the Kirkus Star for Best Science Fiction. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-0-9996042-2-9 , 287 pages, ret. $14.99
The Appalachian: A Novel
New 2021 Edition from HighlandHome Publishing. Named Best Fiction by Kirkus Reviews. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-0-9996042-6-7, 526 pages, ret. $18.99
The Founding Series
Founding Character: Documents that Define the United States of America & Its People
2008, from BookSurge. Available in paperback and Kindle, ISBN 978-1-4392251-1-0, 286 pages, ret. $14.99
First Lines
There is a mountain in central Virginia, the Priest, which presents a long, steep climb for Appalachian Trail thru-hikers.
When the attack comes, the shark will have rolled its eyes until only the whites show.
The first time he saw ANWAR was on the front page of a newspaper that a homeless man was using as a blanket.
It is possible that some of us are born to travel.
Sha'raelon looked up the ramp toward her future, which existed 575 years in her past at year one, the Focal Point.
MacKenzie scowled, spat a string of curses, and toed the mess from his shoe.
What's happening to me?
What a remarkable thing is a diary.
I don't have any impressive scars.
Walking down East Laurel Avenue with Rocky, passing thru-hikers singly and in knots, many of them with the beginnings of beards, the women in braids, dreads, or tightly woven rows, all burnished by weeks or even months in the outdoors, I search for that connection, that innate brotherhood engendered by strangers who meet one another in common calling on the Appalachian Trail.
It's cold, so cold.
Blaize allowed a moment to remember the last time she was on her back like this.
Is this a depression of incipient gray winter, or is it of the lingering post-trail variety?
Brussard leaned wearily on his rake as thunder boomed beyond the northern hills.
Robin Luray kept a diary that would disturb anyone who happened to chance upon it.
The professor paused and sighed.
Associate professor Dr. Darren Jamison realized in a startling instant of disbelief that his tenure prospects hung perilously on his next answer.
Kingdom Spring was a mountain village settled in a bowl between heavenly peaks whose slopes were as fertile as Eden.
The little girls came single-file down the shallow creek, picking their way barefoot around overhanging thickets and through algae-clotted water to reach his section of the creek, the only part deep enough after a good rain to form a pool the little girls could splash in on a wilting summer afternoon.
Business was war in the absence of violence.
I have never experienced nostalgia.
The two brothers hopped from boulder to slick boulder as the slanting rain stung their bare backs, chill gusts threatening to send them aloft at a misplaced step.
My name is Ridley Speaks and I was born in the wilderness, under a tree during a howling storm.
His name was Charles Bear Winston and he was 47 years old.